COVID-19 Support and Information Services
Message from Jane Brumpton, CEO EYS
“The onset of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had an impact that we have never seen before. Extraordinary measures have had to be taken in order to minimise the spread of the infection, including social distancing, the closure of schools and ELC settings, businesses in general, and a restriction on the activities that individuals can do.
EYS is committed to ensuring that our members are supported during this time. We are aware that there will be some concerns about sustainability and available support for settings. As such, EYS has put together a range of information about COVID-19 – symptoms/isolation, emergency childcare for key workers and business support options – which we hope you find helpful and informative.
“Although we are not currently in the office, our team is still available and will do our very best to answer any questions you may have in relation to this. Please contact your local EYS Development and Support Officer where applicable, or please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please also keep up to date with our regularly updated social media platforms. We hope you all stay safe during these testing and unprecedented times.”
~ Jane Brumpton, EYS CEO