How to develop wellbeing in your team and individually
Healthy Working Lives – Public Health Scotland, has developed the following resources to support you in your practice.
Healthy Working Lives – HWL training and awards
Work Positive is our free stress risk assessment online survey tool. This can be used to help you fulfil the requirements of stress risk management in your organisation. All results are anonymous and meet the requirements of data protection law.
You are able to:
- send an online questionnaire to all or some of your employees
- view the results online
- compare your results against organisations of similar size or sector
- consult directly with your employees about the results
- create a plan of action that you can then monitor and review.
Before you can login to the surveys tool, you will need to create an account on our website if you haven’t done so already. Once your website account is set up, sign in and then fill in the form on our Contact us page. Please type in “Surveys tool access” into the Message field, and we will get in touch with you to lead you through the process.
You can find out more here:
You may also be interested in our free Mentally Healthy Workplace training which has been developed by Healthy Working Lives specifically for managers and supervisors. This course is delivered through blended learning and before attending you must complete the Mentally Healthy Workplace free eLearning course.
You can access the eLearning course here: (you must first register for an account on the NHS Health Scotland website).
As you know, line managers have a crucial role in supporting the health and wellbeing of employees. From communication, to clarity of job role, line managers can influence the success of a team. This training includes good practice in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing as well as offering practical examples of how to support employees experiencing mental health problems.
Mental health training for managers is a core criteria of the silver and gold Healthy Working Lives awards. Attending this course can be used as evidence for your HWL Award portfolio.
The aims of the course are:
- To give employers and line managers a broad understanding of mental health
- To identify key factors that contributes to a mentally healthy workplace
- To improve managers confidence in dealing with this issue
- To ensure that managers are aware of their legislative responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing.
This course is delivered as ‘blended learning’ and consists of an eLearning course (30mins-1 hour) and a 6 hours face to face learning.
Please note, that many organisations signpost to our e-learning course for all employees to complete as part of their training and induction or to introduce general mental health awareness within the organisation. Anyone can access this resource.
You may also be interested in signing up to the Healthy Working Lives Award programme. The Healthy Working Lives award programme helps you identify issues and improve health, safety and wellbeing in your organisation in a structured and productive way. Organisations of any size can join the programme and we will support you at each step to achieve the award.
By achieving the Healthy Working Lives award, you will:
- have a healthier, more motivated and productive workforce
- reduce absence rates and support employees in work and returning to work
- reduce accidents, incidents and work related ill health
- enhance your reputation and increase your profile
- contribute to the health of the wider community.
Our support for you is free and confidential. We will offer you a health, safety and wellbeing programme to help you to:
- develop clear and robust policies and practices, saving you money and making employees feel supported and valued
- show you have high standards of health, safety and wellbeing in your organisation
- find ways your organisation can be socially responsible and care for the environment.
Our approach is strongly supported by the Scottish Government and proven to improve employee morale and retention, as well as productivity. Your high standards will help you attract and keep employees and customers.
You can register your interest here:
And of course we just want to highlight the other services that we provide at Healthy Working Lives. We also have a free and confidential Adviceline and webchat service, run by specialist advisers with information on a full range of workplace safety and health topics and occupational health issues, providing specialist practical advice to employees and employers. The Adviceline can also refer you to local Health Board Healthy Working Lives Advisers for further support or signpost you to other organisations for help. You can access by calling: 0800 019 2211 or web chat via our website
You can visit our website for more information regarding workplace mental health and well-being:
Call: 0800 019 2211
or webchat –