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The Early Years Scotland Annual National Conference is for all those who work for, and on behalf of, young children, and is on Saturday 4 November from 9.30am – 12.30pm.

In order to keep ticket prices as low as possible in recognition of the cost of living crisis, this year the event will be online.

There is an inextricable link between young children’s wellbeing and that of the adults around them. We cannot underestimate the importance of what we do, day in, day out, with the children we care for. This year Early Years Scotland wants to shine a light on wellbeing for all of us; in order to best support our youngest children we need to care and nurture ourselves first. ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’.

Join us to hear from speakers from across the sector, focussing on positive mental health for us all.

This event supports networking opportunities and professional learning for the sector. Attendance at the event can be used as evidence towards meeting the standards for your professional body, SSSC/GTCS.

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